洋房 里弄的金三角
永平里的 àCôté同武康庭里开了8年的 àCôté很相像,又是一家十分惬意的小披萨店。
Located in Yong Ping Lane,this new àCôté is a small and cozy restaurant with terrace, a proud copy of àCôté in Ferguson Lane, since 2010.
From the luxury marbles to the rustic wooden furniture, from the wine bottle- candle holders to the old bucket-lampshades, the diligent decoration that gives the place its characteristic feel is also there.“Pizza de Marsseilles” stays the main attraction but Spring Chicken, Beef filet and Black Cod Fish are also cooked in its traditional wood fired oven.In addition to the fresh cheeses and vegetables directly sourced from its owner’s farm , this àCôté has one more self-produced item: the Belgian draft beer, home brewed in its own microbrewery at Yong Ping Lane.
It is an ideal place for a moment with friends and family, a business lunch or a “tête a tête” as you were in Europe.

COLCA秘鲁西班牙餐厅是沪上资深明星主厨-Eduardo Vargas在2017年为大家带来的一个全新作品。餐厅自去年6月开业至今,已两次荣获年度最佳新餐厅的殊荣。秘鲁籍主厨Eduardo创办COLCA 的初衷实为想让中国的美食爱好者不出国门就能体验地道的充满南美风情的美酒佳肴。秘鲁菜因深受西班牙,意大利,非洲,中国,以及日本等国移民的烹饪文化影响,近百年已演变成为一种极具包容性的融合菜系,用料独特且烹饪方式海纳百川,让其深受全球各大美食之都的饕客们喜爱。
COLCA is a restaurant & bar specializing in authentic Peruvian and Spanish Cuisine. It is a brand new restaurant opened by veteran restaurateur Eduardo Vargas. It also features the first Pisco Bar in China with a wide range of pisco cocktails. Tucked into a new complex at Hengshan Lu, the restaurant boasts high-ceiling interiors and a beautiful outdoor terrace. Through out the first couple months, COLCA has been awarded twice as Best New Restaurant of the Year.

Crafted,一个美国风格的餐厅和酒吧。由打造了上海第一汉堡品牌Bistro burger 和经典欧式餐馆coffee tree的团队,再一次倾心打造。Crafted位于上海徐汇区具有历史韵味和风情的衡山路上。Crafted环境的亮点和令人陶醉的菜品会让你有无比的愉快的用餐体验。“Crafted”是手工制作的意思,意味着这里的每一道菜品和每一款饮料都是我们精心研发,手工制作而成,同时还融合了现代最流行的美食元素在里边。您在这里体验到的味道,融合了很多不同的文化:经典美式中包含中国传统调味品和欧洲美味。这种融合,让美餐变得更加舒适,健康和柔和。Crafted,绝对是你不想错过的餐饮界的又一颗冉冉升起的新星。
Crafted, is an American style Restaurant & Bar brought to you by the creative and culinary talents behind Shanghai’s #1 burger joint, Bistro Burger and it's #1 modern coffee cafe, Coffee Tree. Located in Xuhui District on historic Hengshan road, Crafted highlights and revels in the delightful contrast inherent in each spectacular dish. The delectable menu Items are named after handmade and crafted food and drinks, and some of the flavor combinations are undeniably and deliciously modern. The flavor combinations you will experience at Crafted have many different cultural influences too. The cuisine is inspired by distinguished and traditional Chinese seasonings combined with American and European gastronomic influences. It’s not exactly fusion per se, but it’s truly a unique spin on American comfort food. Crafted is a gem that you don’t want to miss out on!

Madeleine 位于永平里这个前法租界的隐秘天地,充斥着咖啡的香气,面包的热腾,悠闲的庭院,当你品尝它时,仿佛置身永恒的巴黎。
Madeleine was founded by a French mother who loved to bake traditional French food for her children, and we are proud of our heritage. We offer authentic French breads and pastries. We use imported high quality raw materials, no preservatives and no additives, to insure high standards for our fresh products. We provide our guests with price friendly delicacies in a charming atmosphere.
Madeleine is located in the newly developed area of Yongpingli in the Former French Concession, where the cozy courtyards welcome you at any time of the day. The smell of freshly baked bread and brewed coffee will remind you of sitting at a terrace in the heart of Paris!

Shanghailander, located in Boutique Community Yongping Lane, a“Wine Space”since 2010.
Holding over 220 different wine topic activities during the past year, Shanghailander comes to be the most popular “Wine Space” in Shanghai, which gathering thousands of senior wine lovers. Meanwhile, the three wine blind tasting champions in the space continuously sourcing the boutique wine in the market, who further select a cult list for tasting over hundred wine. As a real “Wine Space” concept space, Wine activities, boutique wine, reasonable price, seasonal snack and wine by glass lead Shanghailander to be the Holy land of Wine lovers.
在STYX,我们给客人创造了一个舒适惬意的用餐环境,把城市街头美食提升到了一个新的境界。店主Pascal Ballot 之前是外滩三号的市场总监。餐厅的设计及装饰的灵感来源于他年少时的记忆,有浓重的东南亚殖民时期的气息和色调。
At STYX, we want to offer the casual pleasure of BBQ and skewers in a comfortable and cozy environment, creating an elevated street food experience. It is operated by Pascal Ballot, former director of marketing at Three on the Bund. The design reflects souvenirs of traveling in SE Asia as a child, many decors being inspired by the colonial periods, toned and uplifted by the energy of SE Asian culture.
We would like to share memories of flavors and experiences, by proposing "stories", each being a small dish in which we interpret a culinary staple depicting a sight of a country or an experience. The stories will go through different countries, like Indonesia with Jakarta style chicken sate, or Costa Rica with a Tamarindo style beef rump, or France, with a duck tenders in a mustard cream marinade. The common trait to all the stories - and to the main food items available - is that the food will mainly come from a custom barbecue, functioning with a heat refracting stone pit, gaz flares and chrysanthemum wood charcoal ensure efficiency, high heat, and flavor.

Qimin Market opened the special concept restaurant to have hotpot in a forest in an old warehouse reconstructed to be the new spot for leisure. The setting adds the forest theme touch to the original traditional market atmosphere. In this restaurant, customers have the opportunity to enjoy premium ingredients with a lower price thanks to the creative auction, which enriches the dining experience with recreations. Customers could taste the premium food with a reasonable budget.
Besides creating the perfect environment for dinning, the spirit and health tradition From Farm to Table was insisted: all ingredients are fresh and organic. Very few restaurants have their own farm and quality control center to have the supply from the origin. Qimin Organic Marketplace uses ingredients from its own farm in Kunshan, which has organic certification from OFDC, JONA, OCIA, and ECOCERT.

KRU 是一间社区型的餐酒咖啡馆,
位于新兴社区永平里的 KRU, 颠覆以往 FLASK GROUP 系列鸡尾酒吧为主的形象,KRU 将成为首家以红酒为主的 bistro 型态酒吧。主旨为提供简单、好质量的美食,搭配实惠的葡萄酒。
与过去红酒吧环境深沉以及带有距离感的酒款分类印象相悖,KRU 将以亮堂温馨的环境迎接每个到来的顾客,酒单不以艰深的产区分类,而是以葡萄的品种以及风味作区分,酒的味型(果味、花香等),以及酒体(重、中、轻),即便是对葡萄酒不熟悉的你,也能在这里找到适合的葡萄酒。
独具特色的葡萄酒小车,摆放了每日严选的红酒,白酒以及气泡酒,今天你想喝的,我们通通都有。FLASK GROUP 知名的鸡尾酒,在这里也能喝得到。
KRU 的鸡尾酒单,基酒不似一般酒单以常见的威士忌,伏特加...等,烈酒做区分,而是以红酒,白酒,气泡酒为分类,打造上海首家以葡萄酒为主的鸡尾酒单。

杜梦堂(Galerie DUMONTEIL)于1982年在巴黎成立,画廊以现当代艺术为核心,近年亦拓展至设计领域。创始人皮耶·杜梦堂作为二十及二十一世纪雕塑和绘画领域的鉴定专家,在为画廊积累丰富藏品的同时,也与一批当代艺术家展开合作。作为具象雕塑艺术市场中的重要角色,杜梦堂以其独到的品位与视野,呈现欧洲上世纪两战期间的艺术品而享有盛誉。如今,杜梦堂在巴黎、纽约和上海均设有同名空间。三个展览空间定期举办主题性和学术性展览,由此向欧美及亚洲藏家推荐上至二十世纪初,下至当代杰出艺术家的作品。
Since 1982, Galerie Dumonteil has assumed a major role in the market of the figurative sculpture. Focusing on modern and contemporary art, Galerie Dumonteil has three gallery spaces in Paris, New York and Shanghai respectively. While the headquarters in Paris focuses on gathering a permanent collection of artifacts, the branches in New York and in Shanghai serve to preserve the zeitgeist of the Interwar Period and promote European artists from this epoch to both Chinese and American audiences through focused, themed exhibitions.

Song Mao Yao ceramic art center is to combine Song Mao Yao’s exquisite Jingdezhen porcelain craft technology with the designs from the internationally renowned design institutions and the world's top ceramic art designers, through the multi-element cross-border activities, domestic and foreign exhibitions and other patterns, based in Shanghai it is to look at the world, create a global ceramic art design and creation platform, shape the international status of Chinese royal art porcelain. Song Mao Yao ceramic art center presents not only the civilian porcelain of royal quality, furthermore, there are the collection-level national top masterpieces at the helm. At the same time, we shall hold the masters’ lectures and art & culture appreciation and other activities on a regular basis, bringing the complete experience of Chinese millennium craft aesthetics and bringing art closer to life.
由院长朱立伦(新加坡国立大学博士),顾章愉教授(上海复旦大学)等业内精英组成的明星医疗团队,曾荣获2013新加坡Asia Focus Dentist Award(亚洲最佳医疗团队)。
An international-standard private dental clinic founded in 2006, one of the first batch of Invisalign clinics in mainland China. Specialized in oral hygiene, orthodontist, prosthodontics, implantology, oral surgery and pedodontics.
The elite team of professionals headed by Dr. George Choo (National University of Singapore, DDS PhD) and Prof. Cooper Gu (Fudan University, DDS PhD), was awarded the 2013 Asia Focus Dentist Award (Singapore).
We promise a warm, trusty and relax clinical experience based on our state-of-the-art technology and exclusive environment. You gain more than oral health but an exquisite lifestyle by sharing our CAD spirit, Compassionate, Artistry and Dedication.

VETIVER, 中文也叫“岩兰草”,是一种生长在印度洋小岛的香草,提炼出来的精油可以提神镇静,平衡自我。岩兰草的根愈老,萃取的精油愈珍贵。
VETIVER Jewel Safari 相信,珠宝并不只是奢侈品,它甚至不一定昂贵。珠宝能够提升佩戴者的气场,时间不会磨蚀它的美丽,只会让它更有魅力。
而Jewel Safari,直译是“珠宝搜集家”,其实也囊括了VETIVER 想要表达的品牌意义,为所有热爱生活,享受生活的人到世界各地寻找属于她的珠宝,也能够为她提供独一无二的珠宝定制旅程。
世界很大,无论你能不能出去看看,VETIVER Jewel Safari 都能在世界各地找到那些真正有风骨,有风格的珠宝,足不出户,也能拥有它。

Piment ,法文和西班牙文里,都是“辣椒”的意思。取这个名字,一方面寓意餐厅风格火辣奔放,独具一格,另一方面也暗示我们食物口味上也会突破常规,充满刺激和诱惑。菜系主打欧亚混合创意菜,使传统的西方技术与东方美食中使用的食材完美结合, 一种口感新奇但又毫无违和的烹饪风格。小吃丰富,口味多变,大胆运用酸,辣等元素,刺激您的味蕾;主菜的牛排,采用市场上独一无二的碳火烘烤,渗透着独特的木炭香味,使牛肉的香味更加浓郁多情。同时为了迎合现代人拍照的需求,采用一些天然色彩,加入食材,在健康口感的同时,出品时还呈现出丰富多变的色彩,一眼看去,不光能愉悦您的视觉,还刺激着味蕾的冲动,使您拍照和朋友分享的同时还胃口大开